I have been trying to search for other blogs that may interest me. That is NOT a simple task. Is there a password to locate a list of blogs? Maybe it is a secret code. Don't think I haven't tried searching for blogs. I have done generic and name specific searches. Neither have been successful. It is at this point that I begin to feel rather dumb. Why?, you may ask. I haven't just done these searches once. I have searched on countless days, in any engine or location I can find for a total of quite a few hours. Honestly, when I think back over this effort I have put forth I can't help but thinking of a saying I have heard and used many times. "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" Well of course it is! What have I been doing? I guess you could say proving my insanity (laughing quietly to self).
I will discover the answer to my quest. When I give up on my ability, I turn to friends. I have a good friend that has at least one blog (can't remember) and is also a great editor, author and all around smart lady! She will have an answer I can use. At least that is the current plan until proven otherwise. I am sure that she will tell me how to find her blog (again, preferably in writing) and follow said blog. Like I said in my first post, this is a whole new avenue in the internet world for me. I have a sister that swears I can find anything and everything on the internet. I am afraid she would be sorely disappointed if she knew the truth of the matter. I guess she will find out since I sent her the link to this blog.
This whole situation has pointed out some interesting changes I am starting to notice since I retired. When I was working it was necessary to spend time daily looking for information in order to do the vast amounts of paperwork required in special education and to plan new lessons. I was quite good then about finding that information in a timely fashion. I would never have spent hours looking for something without results. After 15 to 30 minutes of searching I would have been making inquiries of others for assistance or any guidance they could offer. I didn't have time to waste on endless searching. I certainly didn't keep searching the same things over and over. Why has that changed? Is it no sense of urgency about looming deadlines or endless amounts of work to complete? Maybe it is no fear of failure. I really don't know.
I do know that I still don't have time to waste doing the same thing countless times without results. There is too much to be done. I am not sure how I managed having a job and taking care of the things that need doing in everyday life. And unlike many people I don't have children. How those people do anything else is beyond me. They truly have my respect and admiration. The responsibilty of caring for and raising children is enormous. Add that to a full time job and running a home is unimaginable to me. Yet both of my sisters do that as do many others.
I suppose the point to all of this is it is necessary to be more vigilant in how I use my time. Since I no longer have the constaints imposed by demanding work I must put develop some steps for noting the amount of time I spend completing tasks. However, I have no idea what to do about the time spent thinking of the right word, phrase or concept when I am having a 'senior moment' as I just did on the previous sentence. (Truly laughing out loud!)
Everybody have a great day and a great week. Always remember, Kindness Counts.